Our Professionals
We are a practice made up of nationally certified professionals who still practice what they preach every year. Most of our staff is either a Certified Snow Professional, a Certified Landscape Professional or both. All of our Certified Snow Professionals have run their own Snow & Ice Management Business for over 10 years, and all of them are still currently involved with the running of a Snow & Ice Management business today.

Rich Arlington has written a book entitled, "Why Not You?" due out in May. In the book, Rich empowers readers to achieve career and business success through his life story on how he designed his business model to build a family of multi-million dollar companies. Learn more
Rich Arlington's Story, listen to WQLN Radio Tom Pysz Interviews Rich Arlington
Hear what some of our clients and those who work with us in the industry say about Rich Arlington & Associates as industry consultants, as public speakers, and as mentors:
Certified Snow Professional
As of 2010 less than 200 people have the designation of Certified Snow Professional (CSP) throughout the United States and Canada. The certification is awarded by the The Snow & Ice Management Association (SIMA), which is an International Trade Organization for the Snow & Ice Industry. The designation by them of CSP is maintained through continuing education, and being involved in the Snow & Ice industry.
A Certified Snow Professional has tested and passed rigorous tests in the following areas:
- Snow Science
- Snow Mechanics
- Corporate Finance
- Marketing
- Law
- Human Resources
Certified Landscape Professional
Some of our Professionals also have been Nationally Certified as Landscape Professionals by the Professional Landcare Network. Certified Landscape Professionals (CLP) must pass rigorous tests in the following categories:
- Corporate Financial Management
- Risk, Law and Contracts
- Marketing and Sales Management
- Strategic Planning
- Human Resources
- Leadership and Corporate Citizenship
- Exterior Production/Operations and Horticulture
- Interior Production/Operations and Horticulture
Continuing Education
Certified Snow Professionals are required to continue their education in order to stay abreast of developments in the industry as well as general business practices and professionalism.
Some examples of how Certified Snow Professionals continue their education and dedication are:
- By attending the Snow & Ice Management Association (SIMA) Annual Snow & Ice Symposium
- Attending Industry trade shows with educational sessions
- Attending business and industry related educational seminars
- Speaking publicly or organizing formal educational sessions for others in order to educate them about business and/or the snow and ice industry
Code of Ethics
Certified Snow Professionals must adhere to a higher standard than most within the ice, snow and landscaping industries. To this end, all applicants are required to agree, in writing, to adhere to these high standards of ethics when dealing with customers, employees, subcontractors, vendors, suppliers and competitors. Failure to adhere to such standards, or conduct in a manner inconsistent with the high standards and goals of the Certification Program may result in the Board of Governors revoking the Certification of the offending individual.