Richard D. Arlington III, CSP, LICM

Since 1986 I have been the president of Arlington Lawncare Inc. and have directed the Landscaping, Lawn Maintenance, Lot Sweeping, Snow and Ice operations in Erie, Pennsylvania, which is one of the most unpredictable locations in the United States given its location on Lake Erie. Erie sits directly below the winter jet stream from Canada. This location has given me the opportunity to service my customer base in a wide variety of weather, from ice storms to 1 and 2 foot snow falls in 24 hours or less. My experience has enabled me to keep my customer retention rate at roughly ninety-five percent.
Erie receives on average 54 plowing events and 70 salting events per year. The average snowfall in a 15 mile radius can range from 90" to as much as 200". These wide fluctuations of weather and large size of this company has allowed me to become very qualified in dealing with issues regarding scheduling, routing, customer service and subcontractor relations. In the past 10 years I have dealt with over 160 subcontractors at a time. I am experienced with all aspects of record keeping, snow budgets, contractual language, and dealing with all types of subcontractors to ensure customer satisfaction based on specifications.
I am an expert on issues dealing with ice control with both rock salt and liquid calcium/magnesium products, which has resulted in 20 plus years of no at fault slip and fall incidents for my company while maintaining over 150 accounts from large retail plazas to small convenience stores.
Richard D. Arlington III, CSP, LICM
1600 Maple Avenue
Lake City, PA 16423
(814) 814-490-4700
- Certified Snow Professional (CSP), 2004- Present
- Requirements to become a Certified Snow Professional include testing in marketing, human resources, business, law, and snow science and snow mechanics. There are less than 250 CSP’s in the United State of America.
- Landscape Industry Certified Manager (LICM) 2006 – Present
- Arlington Lawncare, Inc., President, April 1987 – Present
- Direct snow and ice, lawn, landscape and sweeping operations in Erie, Pennsylvania.
- Service customer base for plowing and salting, from large retail plazas to small convenience stores.
- Supervise subcontractors.
- Knowledgeable in various methods and techniques in snow & ice management.
- Experienced with record keeping, snow budgets, and contracts, scheduling, routing, and customer service.
- Affiliated Grounds Maintenance Group, Inc., Consultant & Business Manager, January 2000 – Present
- National outdoor maintenance company with current contract management in 34 states. Contracts cover snow & ice, landscape maintenance, and lot sweeping services.
- Rich Arlington & Associates, Independent Consultant, 2005 – Present
- Litigation consultant relating to snow and ice removal. Provide case analysis, review, deposition testimony and court testimony.
- C&K Logistics Trucking Company, Consultant & Manager, 2001 - 2007
- Consultant on day-to-day issues, including payroll, dispatch, fuel tax, loading and servicing of vehicles.
- Upton Lot Sweeping, Inc., President, 1998 – 2007
- Consulted on snow and ice budgets, created estimates based on time and material, per push, per time, and seasonal contracts. Provided lot sweeping services to various clients.
- Wattsburg Area School District, PA, Vice President, School Board Director, 2001 - 2005
- Vice President and Finance Committee Chair for a school district with a 17 million dollar budget.
- United States of America Marine Corp, 1983 – 1987
- Electronics Specialist
- The Illinois Landscape Show, February 25-27, 2015 Shaumburg, Illinois
- "Bidding Snow Without Losing Profit"
- National Pavement Expo, January 28-31, 2015 Nashville, Tennessee
- "How to Make Third-Party Providers Work for Your Business"
- CENTS, January 7-9, 2015 Columbus, Ohio
- "Managing Personalities & Processes not the People"
- "Snow & Ice: Equipment Selection & Maintenance for Best Performance"
- "Generating a Successful & Profitable Snow & Ice Business"
- Claims & Litigation Management Education ("CLM") Conference 2013, April 10 - April 12, 2013 San Antonio, TX
- Managing Risk - Snow and Ice Litigation
- National Heavy Equipment Show April 18, 2013, Toronto, Ontario Canada, sponsored by SIMA.
- PLANET Webinar, February 13, 2013
- Win-Win: How to Partner and Profit with National and Regional Providers,
- Cape Cod Landscape Association ('CCLA'), Hyannis, MA, February 27-28, 2013
- Bidding by the Numbers Afternoon Workshop
- Bidding in Today's Environment
- Safety Tips & Techniques plus some Trends that spell ‘TROUBLE’ in the Green Industry
- 2012 Green Industry Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, October 24-26, 2012
- What's In It For Us? How to Move, Motivate and Put in Motion a Successful Team
- Northeast Buildings & Facilities Management Annual Conference, Boston, MA, June, 2012
- Facility Exterior Maintenance Services: The True Savings of Preventative Maintenance
- PLANET Webinar, March 28, 2012
- Team Building: What’s In It for Us? How to Move, Motivate and Put in Motion a Successful Team
- Restaurant Facility Management Association (‘RFMA’), Las Vegas, NV, March 5, 2012
- Restaurant Exterior Maintenance Contracts: Does Scope of Work Successfully Translate to Your Exterior Service Provider?
- PLANET, Webinar
- Language Barriers: Managing Risk in Snow & Ice, February, 2012
- Ohio State University Nursery Short Course, Columbus, Ohio, January, 2012
- Protecting Plants from Snow and Snow Removal
- Ohio State University Nursery Short Course, Columbus, Ohio, January 24, 2012
- Contractor Liability: Pitfalls of Contract Language for Snow Management
- Ohio State University Nursery Short Course, Columbus, Ohio, January, 2012
- How to Manage, Motivate and Move Your Team
- Chicago Bar Association Tort Litigation, Chicago, IL, January, 2012
- Assumed Scope of Work in Snow and Ice Management
- PLANET, GIE Expo and Conference, October, 2011, Louisville, KY
- Regional Training on Best Business Practices for Snow and Ice Contractors
- Snow and Ice Control Training Seminar, October, 2011, Woburn, MA. Sponsored by Martignetti Enterprises and International Salt
- SIMA Training Session, August, 2011, Denver, CO
- Regional Training on Best Business Practices for Snow and Ice Contractors
- SIMA, National Snow & Ice Symposium, June, 2011, Schaumburg, IL
- Team Management & Motivation
- Municipal Training for SSA quarterly managers meeting Snow Operations, Chicago, IL April 2011
- Regional RFP Training speaker for SPECS Chain Store Management, March, 2011, Dallas, TX
- Regional Training, National Facility Management & Technology (‘NFMT’) Conference, March, 2011, Baltimore, MD
- Webinar, PLANET, February, 2011
- Where Did My Profits Go? Pricing to Win Without Losing Profits.
- World Sweeper Magazine, Webinar, February, 2011
- “How to work with National Service Providers.”
- Regional Training speaker on three (3) major business topics for Cape Cod Landscape Association at Annual Convention, March, 2011, Hyannis, MA
- Professional Retail Store Maintenance Association ('PRSM'), Webinar, January, 2011
- “Language Barrier: Does Scope of Work Successfully Translate to Exterior Services”
- Empire State Green Industry Show Smart Growth - Learn with the Pros, Rochester, NY, January, 2011
- Data Collection and Contracts: Managing Risk in Snow & Ice
- Empire State Green Industry Show Smart Growth - Learn with the Pros, Rochester, NY, January, 2011
- Snow and Ice Management: Operations Overview
- Maintenance Solutions Magazine, Webinar, December, 2010
- Strategies for Effective Snow and Ice Management.
- International Parking Institute, Webinar, October, 2010
- "Snow & Ice Management for Parking Facilities and Structures.”
- SIMA, National Snow & Ice Symposium, Providence, RI, June, 2010
- Risk Management
- Data Collection
- Michigan Nursery and Landscape Association, Michigan, January, 2010
- Business Management
- Michigan Nursery and Landscape Association, Michigan, January, 2010
- Business & Organizational Structure
- Michigan Nursery and Landscape Association, Michigan, January, 2010
- “Liability from a contractor’s point of view. The pitfalls to avoid.”
- Michigan Nursery and Landscape Association, Michigan, January, 2010
- Sales & Marketing
- Snow & Ice Management Association (‘SIMA’), Regional Training Seminar, Kitchener, ON, September, 2009
- Landscape Ontario, Regional Training Seminar speaker, Milton, ON, Canada, August 2009
- Snow & Ice Management Association (‘SIMA’), Regional Training Seminar, Cleveland, OH, July, 2009
- SIMA, National Snow and Ice Symposium, Buffalo, NY, June, 2009
- Liability & Contracts
- Snow & Ice Management Association (‘SIMA’), Regional Training Seminar speaker, Somerset, NJ, March, 2009
- Business, Bids, and Contracts
- Ohio Nursery and Landscape Association, Wintergreen Expo, November, 2008
- Sales & Strategy for Success
- Michigan Green Industry Expo, Michigan, October 2008
- Sales & Strategy for Success
- International Lawn & Garden Expo, Louisville, KY October, 2008
- Business Building
- Record Keeping
- Association of Landscape Contractors of Colorado, Denver, CO, October, 2008
- Risk and Liability
- Michigan Green Industry Association, Michigan, September, 2008
- Sales Strategy for Success
- Snow and Ice Management Association (‘SIMA’), Regional Training Seminar, Hartford, CT, August 2008
- Snow and Ice Management Association (‘SIMA’), Regional Training Seminar, Chicago, IL, July 2008
- SIMA, National Snow & Ice Symposium, Buffalo, NY, June 2008
- Liability and Contracts
- SIMA, National Snow & Ice Symposium, Milwaukee, WI, 2007
- Business Marketing and Pricing & Effective Organizational Structure
- SIMA, International Lawn & Garden Expo, October 2006
- Business Ethics, Organization and Structure & Contracts and Liability
- Wattsburg Area School District, Erie, PA, April/May 2006
- Seminar “Choosing a Career in the Real World”
- SIMA, International Lawn & Garden Expo, October 2005
- Safety and the Snow-plow & General Accounting Principals
- SIMA, National Snow & Ice Symposium, Louisville, KY, June 2005
- Estimating, Sales, and Business Marketing
- SIMA, Regional Training Seminar, Erie, PA, April 2005
- “How to Build and Grow a Snow Business”
- Mercyhurst College, Erie, PA
- Business Marketing and Pricing Seminar “Business and How It Works,” January 2005
- Seminar, “Life as a Marine,” May 2005
- Gannon University, Erie, PA
- Seminar “How to Run a Small Business,” Spring 1992
- Seminar “Business Ethics,” Fall 1992
- Site training for maintenance and grounds personnel conducted during November 2008. Program included Storm Operations, Pre and Post Season, Effective Use of Equipment and Deicers, Plow Equipment Training, Training of New Hires, and Risk Management for Ice Thaw and Re-freeze Occurrences for the following colleges and universities:
- Buffalo State College
- Buffalo University of New York
- Ithaca College
- Nazareth College
- Rochester Institute of Technology
- Rochester University of New York
- Syracuse University of New York
- Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio, site training of maintenance staff on how to implement snow response plan and what equipment to allocate where for snow season, September 2011
- Why Not You? An inspirational story of success and powerful lessons that can change a person’s capacity to achieve in life. Published in 2012
- Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio, Snow Response Plan written for entire facility, September 2011
- CBRE Scope of Work and Request-for-Proposals for landscape and snow and ice services written and coordinated for CBRE Hampshire Group of properties throughout the state of New Jersey, September, 2011, December, 2011
- Cleveland Hopkins Airport, Cleveland, Ohio, United Airlines Snow Response Plan written for United Airlines terminals, February 2009
- Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant, Buchanan, New York, Snow Response Plan written for entire facility, September 2007
- Chain Store Age Magazine
- Snow and Ice Liability Management: Parking garages pose unique risks for store managers and facility owners, January Issue 2012
- Snow Business Magazine
- Proper Snow Clearing for Parking Garages, June Issue 2011
- Risk and Liability Case Review, April Issue 2011
- Safety Best Practices, July Issue 2009
- Put a Freeze on Slip and Fall Claims, September 2009
- Price to win without losing profits, October 2008
- Be wary of Assumed Scope of Work, September 2008
- Q & A column, November 2007
- Q & A column, September 2007
- Q & A column, May 2007
- Q & A column, December 2006
- Membership the benefits, November 2006
- PLANET Association Magazine Publication
- Fishing for Marketing Success, January, 2012
- Industry Expert Q&A Contributing Columnist
- Meyer’s Snow Drift- Safety Best Practices, October 2010 issue
- World Sweeper- National Service Providers effecting the industry, January 2011
- International Snow & Ice Management Association (‘SIMA’), Milwaukee, WI, 2002 – Present
- Board of Directors, 2009 - 2011
- Chair Person of Insurance and Safety Committee, 2007 - Present
- Chair Person of Special Objectives Committee, 2006 - Present
- Certification Committee, 2008 - Present
- Membership Committee, 2007 - Present
- Mentoring Program, Mentor, 2008 - Present
- Consultant for bidding, sales & marketing, financial accounting, record keeping, and job cost analysis
- Conceptualized the framework for a snow contractor training program and later co-founded the Build-A-Bid program which to date is the most successful training program in the snow industry, 2007
- Professional Landscape Network ('PLANET '), Herndon, VA, – An international trade organization for landscape and nursery businesses, 1996 to Present
- Member Consultant providing mentoring on all aspects of landscape, nursery and snow businesses, 2010 - Present
- Trailblazer, 2010 - Present
- Safety & Risk Committee, 2010 - Present
- Pennsylvania Landscape & Nursery Association ('PLNA') – a state trade organization for landscape and nursery businesses, 1997 - Present
- Erie Regional Chamber and Growth Partnership, Erie, PA, 1997 - Present
- Business Alliance – a network of business-to-business working relationships, 2006 - Present
- Central Tech Career and Technical School, Erie, PA
- Chairman of the Horticulture Advisory Committee, 2008 - Present
- PLANET, Overall Safety Achievement Award – Silver Level (Arlington Lawncare), 2012
- Awarded annually to companies that demonstrates thorough, high-performing safety programs that create and maintain safe work environments in the green industry.
- Green Media, Most Influential People in the Green Industry, 2012
- Nominated by their peers, individuals selected annually exemplify commitment to the green industry. and have exhibited a wide spread influence on their peers.
- PLANET, Overall Safety Achievement Award – Gold Level (Arlington Lawncare), 2011
- Awarded annually to companies that demonstrates thorough, high-performing safety programs that create and maintain safe work environments in the green industry. Of PLANET’s 3,600 member companies and affiliates, only 45 businesses received this gold level safety achievement award in 2011.
- SIMA, Snow Industry Commitment Award, 2011
- Awarded annually to one Associate Member who has made significant contributions to the Snow and Ice Industry and its members.
- SIMA, National Excellence in Business Award, 2010
- International Landscape Association (‘PLANET’), Trailblazer Honoree, 2010
- A select group of individuals nominated by their peers as dedicated professionals who have made significant and long-term contributions to the Green Industry. The program was launched in 2002 to recognize industry leaders; there are currently only 90 PLANET Trailblazers in world.
- SIMA, Volunteer of the Year (Rich Arlington), 2007
- For continued dedication to the snow & ice industry and business owners in the industry as a whole.
- SIMA, National Safety Award (Arlington Lawncare), 2005, 2006, 2007,2008,2009, 2010, 2011
- Planet, National Safety Award (Arlington Lawncare) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
- C.N.A. Insurance & O.S.H.A. Safety Stars Award (Arlington Lawncare), 2005