Upcoming Seminars/Trade Shows
- PLANET Webinar, September 23, 2015
- "The Past is now the Present"
For more information:
- "The Past is now the Present"
- GIE +EXPO, October 23, 2015
- "How Can You Do It?"
Register Here:
- "How Can You Do It?"
- Great Lakes Trade Exposition, January 26-27, 2016
- "How to Make Money with Seasonal Contracts"
- "When to Buy Equipment"
- There will be a book signing after both of Rich's seminars! If you haven't read Rich's book "Why Not You?" then you can pick up a copy on Amazon at
Seminars Conducted
- American Legion Post #494 ; Girard, PA 9/11 2015
- Patriot Day
- Snow & Ice Symposium Trade Show Booth #120, June 24-27, 2015
- The Illinois Landscape Show, February 25-27, 2015 Shaumburg, Illinois
- "Bidding Snow Without Losing Profit"
- National Pavement Expo, January 28-31, 2015 Nashville, Tennessee
- "How to Make Third-Party Providers Work for Your Business"
- CENTS, January 7-9, 2015 Columbus, Ohio
- "Managing Personalities & Processes not the People"
- "Snow & Ice: Equipment Selection & Maintenance for Best Performance"
- "Generating a Successful & Profitable Snow & Ice Business"
- Claims and Litigation Management Education ("CLM") Conference 2013, April 10 to April 12, 2013 San Antonio, Texas
- Managing Risk - Snow and Ice Litigation
- National Heavy Equipment Show April 18, 2013, Toronto, Ontario Canada, sponsored by SIMA.
- Build-a-Bid Session 1 and 2 More Info
- Why Not You? Ingredients for Achieving Professional Success and Managing Company Growth Responsibly, PLANET Webinar, Thursday, May 16, 2013,1:30 EST More Info and Register
- Rich Arlington Why Not You? Regional Seminars in 2013. Learn what it takes to achieve personal and professional success, become a great leader and build a winning team.
July 12th in Erie, PA - July 19 in Atlanta, GA - September 12th in Dedham, MA
- Safety Tips & Techniques plus some Trends that spell 'TROUBLE', SIMA Symposium, June 19-22, Minneapolis, MN
Snow, ice, landscaping, lawn, sweeping
- FD2B Talk Radio, "Why Not You? with Rich Arlington" March 27, 2013 7:00 p.m. EST. More Info
- PLANET Webinar, February 13, 2013
- Win-Win: How to Partner and Profit with National and Regional Providers,
- Cape Cod Landscape Association ('CCLA'), February 27-28, 2013, Hyannis, MA,
- Bidding by the Numbers Afternoon Workshop, February 27, 2013
- Bidding in Today's Environment
- Safety Tips & Techniques plus some Trends that spell ‘TROUBLE’ in the Green Industry
- 2012 Green Industry Conference, October 24-26, 2012, Louisville, Kentucky
- "What's In It For Us? How to Move, Motivate and Put in Motion a Successful Team"
For more info
- "What's In It For Us? How to Move, Motivate and Put in Motion a Successful Team"
- MGIA Michigan Snow Conference & Expo, September 13, 2012, Suburban Collection Showplace, Novi, Michigan
- "Creating a Snow Sales Strategy"
- "Managing Growth Intelligently"
For more info
- "Operational Efficiencies" - 15th Annual Snow & Ice Symposium, June 23rd, 2012, 9:45 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., Buffalo, NY. For more info
- "Facility Exterior Maintenance Services: The True Savings of Preventative Maintenance," - 7th Annual NEBFM, June 7th, 2012, 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., Boston Convention & Exhibit Center, Hall B2, Boston, MA. For more info:
- PLANET Webinar, "What’s In It for Us? How to Move, Motivate and Put in Motion a Successful Team," March 28th, 2012
- "Taking Mowing to the Next Level and Making a Better Profit" - MVNLA Spring Clinic, March 21, 2012 Fellows Riverside Gardens, 123 McKinley Ave. Youngstown, Ohio. In addition, a Rich Arlington & Associates representative were in attendance at a booth throughout the day to answer contractors' questions.
- "Restaurant Exterior Maintenance Contracts: Does Scope of Work Successfully Translate to Your Exterior Service Provider?" RFMA 2012 Annual Conference, March 4-6, 2012 at The Mirage in Las Vegas.
- "Language Barriers: Managing Risk in Snow & Ice," PLANET Webinar, Feb. 8, 2012, 1:30-2:30 p.m.
- "Protecting Plants from Snow and Snow Removal" - 2012 Ohio State University Nursery Short Course, January 24, 2012, Great Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, Ohio.
- "Contractor Liability: Pitfalls of Contract Language for Snow Management" - 2012 Ohio State University Nursery Short Course, January 24, 2012, Great Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, Ohio.
- "Assumed Scope of Work in Snow and Ice Management" - Chicago Bar Association Tort Litigation, January 11, 2012, Chicago, IL.
- Snow and Ice Control Seminar, Friday October 21, 2011, 29 High Street, Woburn, MA. Sponsored by Martignetti Enterprises and International Salt
- Build-A-Bid Workshop, GIE Expo, October 29, 2011, Louisville, KY, 2 hour clinic
- Build-A-Bid Workshop, SIMA, August, 2011, Denver, CO
- "How to Create a Winning RFP & Response" - SIMA Symposium, Friday, June 24, 2011, Schaumburg, IL.
- "What's in it for Us?: Manage, Motivate and Move Your Team Toward Acceptance of New Concepts and Technology" - SIMA Symposium, Saturday, June 25, Schaumburg, IL.
- "Ice, Ice Baby...And Snow" - SPECS 2011 Conference, Monday, March 14th, Gaylord Texan Resort, Grapevine, Texas.
- "The True Cost of Aggressive Preventative Maintenance on Exterior Services" - NFMT 2011 Conference, Thursday, March 17th, 2011, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD.
- "Where Did My Profits Go? Pricing to Win Without Losing Profits" - Webinar, PLANET, February 23, 2011
- "How to work with National Providers and Make a Profit" - Webinar, World Sweeper Magazine, February 24, 2011
- Read the article posted on For Construction Pros ARTICLE
- "Know Your Numbers and Equipment!"- Cape Cod Landscape Association, March 2, 2011, 4-hour comprehensive bidding and estimating hands-on training session, Hyannis Resort & Conference Center, Hyannis, MA.
- "All aboard! How do you manage, motivate and put in motion a successful team and win their 'buy-in' to new methodologies? - Cape Cod Landscape Association Annual Convention, March 3, 2011, Hyannis Resort & Conference Center, Hyannis, MA.
- "Sub-contracting services: the good, the bad and the ugly." - Cape Cod Landscape Association Annual Convention, March 3, 2011, Hyannis Resort & Conference Center, Hyannis, MA.
- "Language Barrier: Does Scope of Work Successfully Translate to Exterior Services" Webinar - Professional Retail Store Maintenance Association (' PRSM') January 11th, 2011
- "Know Your Production Numbers and Equipment" - GLTE Great Lakes Trade Expo, De Vos Place, Grand Rapids, MI, January 12, 2011
- "Business Marketing & Pricing; Pricing to Win without Losing Money" - GLTE Great Lakes Trade Expo, De Vos Place, Grand Rapids, MI, January 12, 2011
- "Data Collection and Contracts: Managing Risk in Snow & Ice" - 2011 Empire State Green Industry Show Smart Growth - Learn with the Pros, Rochester Riverside Convention Center, Rochester, NY, January 12, 2011
- "Snow and Ice Management: Operations Overview" - 2011 Empire State Green Industry Show Smart Growth - Learn with the Pros, Rochester Riverside Convention Center, Rochester, NY, January 12, 2011
- "Strategies for Effective Snow and Ice Management" - Webinar- Maintenance Solutions Magazine, December 16th, 2010
- "Taking Mowing to the Next Level and Making a Better Profit" - Ohio Turfgrass Conference & Show, Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, Ohio, December 9, 2010
- "The Business of Snow Removal and Steps to Increase Profits" - Ohio Turfgrass Conference & Show, Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, Ohio, December 9, 2010
- "Snow & Ice Management for Parking Facilities and Structures" - Webinar- International Parking Institute, October 20, 2010
- "Build-A-Bid Workshop" - Regional Training Program, Landscape Ontario, Kitchener, ON, September 1, 2010
- "Build-A-Bid Workshop" - Regional Training Program, SIMA, Columbus, Ohio, August, 2010
- "Build-A-Bid Workshop" - Regional Training Program, SIMA, Worester, MA, August, 2010
- "Build-A-Bid Workshop" - Regional Training Program, SIMA, Hartford, CT, August, 2010
- "Build-A-Bid Workshop" - Regional Training Program, SIMA, Cleveland, Ohio, July, 2010
- "Risk Management" – National Snow and Ice Symposium, Providence, RI, June 2010
- "Why Me? Can I succeed and how" – Michigan Nursery and Landscape Association, January 2010
- "Are you an operator or a business owner? Learn organizational structure and how to make it work." –Michigan Nursery and Landscape Association, January 2010
- "Liability from a contractor’s point of view. The pitfalls to avoid." – Michigan Nursery and Landscape Association, January 2010
- "Sales & Marketing. Branding your company not your price." – Michigan Nursery and Landscape Association, January 2010
- "Build-A-Bid Workshop" – Regional Training Program, SIMA, Kitchener, ON, September 2009
- "Build-A-Bid Workshop" – Regional Training Program, SIMA, Cleveland, OH, July 2009
- "Liability & Contracts" – National Snow and Ice Symposium, Buffalo, NY, June 2009
- "Build-A-Bid Workshop" – Regional Training Program, SIMA, Somerset, NJ, March 2009
- "Sales & Strategy for Success" - Ohio Landscape Association Winter Expo, November 2008
- "Sales & Strategy for Success" – Michigan Green Industry Expo, October 2008
- "Business Building" – International Lawn & Garden Expo, Louisville, KY October 2008
- "Record Keeping" – International Lawn & Garden Expo, Louisville, KY October 2008
- "Risk and Liability from a Contractor’s Point of View" – Association of Landscape Contractors of Colorado, Denver, CO, October 2008
- "Sales Strategy for Success" – Michigan Green Industry Association, September 2008
- "Build-A-Bid Workshop" – Regional Program, SIMA, Hartford, CT, August 2008
- "Build-A-Bid Workshop" – Regional Training Program, SIMA, Chicago, IL, July 2008
- "Liability & Contracts" – National Snow and Ice Symposium, Buffalo, NY, June 2008
- "Business Marketing & Pricing--Pricing to win without losing profit." – National Snow and Ice Symposium, Milwaukee, WI, June 2007
- "Effective Organizational Structure" – National Snow and Ice Symposium, Milwaukee, WI, 2007
- "Business Ethics, Organization and Structure" – International Lawn & Garden Expo, Louisville, KY, October 2006
- "Contracts and Liability" – International Lawn & Garden Expo, Louisville, KY October 2006
- "Safety and the Snow-plow" - International Lawn & Garden Expo, Louisville, KY, October 2005
- "General Accounting Principals" – International Lawn & Garden Expo, Louisville, KY, October 2005
- "Estimating, Sales, and Business Marketing" –National Snow and Ice Symposium, Louisville, KY, June 2005
- "How to Build and Grow a Snow Business" – Regional Program, SIMA, Erie, PA, April 2005
General Business and Leadership
- Keynote Speaker, Marine Corp New Recruits Event, Reserve Base, Old French Rd, Erie, PA, April 19, 2012 at 5 p.m.
- "How to Manage, Motivate and Move Your Team" - 2012 Ohio State University Nursery Short Course, January 24, 2012, Great Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, Ohio.
- Erie Otters Veteran Game, November 20th, 2010 at 7 p.m., Tallio Arena, Erie, PA, Rich Arlington will be the M.C. and speaker at this event.
- MC & Keynote Speaker, "From Rags to Richs, How the Military changed my Life." - American Veterans Traveling Tribute, Erie, PA, August, 2010
- "How to get a job"; "How to interview"; "What do employers look for in a prospect employee." - Central Tech Career and Technical School, Erie, 2008 Academic Year
- Choosing a Career in the Real World." – Wattsburg Area School District, Erie, PA, April & May 2006
- “Business and how it Works, Business Marketing and Pricing Seminar” – Mercyhurst College, Erie, PA, Jan 2005
- “Life as a Marine” – Mercyhurst College, Erie, PA, May 2005
- “How to Run a Small Business” – Gannon University, Erie, PA, Spring 1992
- “Business Ethics” – Gannon University, Erie, PA, Fall 1992
Other seminars
Rich Arlington and Associates can conduct seminars on any of the following topics:
- Business Ethics
- Pricing and Estimating
- Effective Organizational Structure
- Budgeting and Finance – How do I know my numbers?
- What does it take to be a Business Owner
- Goal setting - how to make it work and why
- Snow & Ice industry data collection
- Prepare for the inevitable lawsuit
- Are you a Snow Plower or a Business Owner
- Are you a Lawn Mower or a Business Owner
- Public Service- and how it changed my business
- Why Me - how to keep going when the going gets tough
- Sales & Marketing- Branding your company to be stand out
- Contracts - How to sell the account even before they know the price
- Read the article posted on For Construction Pros ARTICLE
Rich Arlington Speaking all day at the MGLA January 2010

Our speakers are dynamic and keep the audience entertained and involved. Through real industry experience and knowledge our speakers are able to relate to all attendees. Ranging from the smallest to the largest company, everyone will leave with new knowledge and different way of looking at things to produce results.
Contact Us
If you would like to invite Rich Arlington and Associates to speak at your seminar contact us now by submitting the form below: